Holistic Healing 

— Holistic Nutritionist/Health Coach & Therapeutic Yoga Instructor—  

What is a Holistic Nutritionist/Health coach? 

A Holistic Nutritionist/Health Coach is a trained professional who uses an integrative approach to both diet and lifestyle changes to improve their clients' health. Working as a guide toward an overall healthier and happier life. They look at their clients' nutrition and sleep patterns, physical fitness, support system, spirituality and more.

 About me

I know how it feels to be dismissed by health care professionals too. Women seem to get dismissed often.

Researchers prefer not to do studies on women because well, we are complicated with our fluctuating hormones. Which leads to poor health outcomes and dismissive Drs who really don't know how to help us. Other than offering us birth control or antidepressants.  Most of us are walking around with hormonal imbalances and we are so used to it we aren't even aware of it. Or maybe we are aware that something isn't right but we are told that it is normal or common.

Let's be clear on one thing. Just because it's common does not make it normal. ( ie. menstrual cramps and that's just one thing )

My health struggles took me on a loooooong path to discovering the benefits of functional medicine (root cause medicine) and holistic health. I like to say I'm an autoimmune warrior and functional medicine advocate. With my training as a Holistic nutritionist and health coach it has enabled me to help myself.

Now I want to help others live their best life and feel better too.

During my 16 years of working as a certified physical therapy assistant in a hospital setting. ( I like to add the hospital part because of the wide variety of areas I worked in, I learned a lot.) I have read thousands of patients charts. I always thought what is at the root cause of this diagnosis? I had a root cause mind set even before it was popular.

My root cause was undiagnosed celiac disease. That darn gluten. I am not going to bore you with my whole story cause it's a long one. I am here to help you with yours.

What can I help you with? 

A lot. How is that possible?

Because most but not all diseases stems from inflammation which then leads to hormone imbalances. Of course there is mold, toxins, Lyme, SIBO, parasites etc. to keep in mind too.

Diet, lifestyle changes and supplements are just some of the tools that I implement. Disclaimer, I do not sell supplements. I'm just not a sales person. I am having a hard enough time selling myself here. Lol

Why can't my Dr just help me? Drs aren't trained in nutrition or supplements so they are lacking in that area. I don't know how many clients have asked me "why didn't my Dr. tell me that?" It's simple. They don't know.

We all know now food can be medicine. If you eat the right kind mind you. 

I specialize in women's health but I help men too.

I've helped women with PCOS, Endometriosis, period problems, Hashimoto's, Lupus, Sjogren's syndrome, RA, Celiac disease, Metabolic health ( heart disease, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and weight loss) osteopenia, osteoarthritis, depression and anxiety. I even consulted with a young women with long covid. If I feel like blood work is needed we work with your PCP to run labs for you.

Having a nutritionist/coach is beneficial and makes everything easier because there is so much to learn and the information out there can be confusing. Having a personalized plan and someone to support you is key. Let me be your guide to your best life. One self-healer to another.

Cert. Holistic Nutritionist/Cert.Health Coach/Cert. 200hr.YTT and Cert.PTA


Initial Holistic Nutrition consult

Includes 1 hr consult and a follow up 30 min. appointment to go over your personalized wellness plan.


Upgrade your Nutrition Consult

Use as a follow up after initial consult for guidance or for simple nutrition education. 1hr.


Private Services

Therapeutic yoga and guided meditation 50mins.


Health Talks

Bone Health, Brain Health, Blood Sugar, The Anti Inflammatory diet and Women's health.


Contact me today! 

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