
Cindy is wise, energetic, insightful, kind and enlightened. The most fantabulous yoga instructor I've ever connected with.

One of the most impactful people I've ever had the joy to become friends with.

Cindy has worked with me for 5 years-since I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Cindy B

I found Cindy to be very informative on how I could use nutrition and supplements to improve my health, specifically my blood pressure. Being on a fixed income as a senior is hard, but her knowledge and coaching were well worth it! I don't have to take my blood pressure med anymore!


There are many things I like about Cindy's yoga class, but my favorite thing about Cindy, is that she is aware of her students. She can always tell when someone needs a prop or a modification and she personally helps that person. Cindy is definitely "tuned-in" to her class of seniors. On top of the excellent yoga instruction, she often gives us tips on nutrition and how to manage our aches and pains. She is well informed and current with her suggestions. My all-time favorite instructor.


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